Tag Archive: Cyprus

A Face Only A Mother Could Love

We came across this inventive “no trespassing” warning while hiking in the Τρόοδος mountains in Cyprus. Some farmer, high up in an obscure valley, augmented his elaborate barbed wire fence with this novel… Continue reading

Earthly Beauty

Spring, Cyprus Summer, Indonesia Autumn, NZ Winter, NYC Earth

Four Seasons in Four Corners

Spring, Cyprus Summer, Indonesia Autumn, NZ Winter, NYC Wordless Wednesday

Queue For Cats

Lunchtime, Holy Monastery of St Nicholas of the Cats, Cyprus According to Byzantine legend, Saint Helen brought hundreds of cats from Egypt and Palestine to Cyprus to rid the island of poisonous snakes in the… Continue reading

Summer Silhouette

There are some sensations that immediately call up summer: the sound of a screen door slamming, the smell of sun screen and the chill of a bathing suit still damp from an earlier swim. These… Continue reading

Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’ 2

Multitude and solitude—the joys of summer. Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’  

A Taste of My Own Medicine

It has been just over a year since we’ve been back in the States, and I’ve made a point of avoiding the US healthcare system. Haven’t contacted my insurance company to find a… Continue reading

Does This Doll Make Me Look Creepy?

We came across this inventive “no trespassing” warning while hiking in the Τρόοδος mountains in Cyprus. Some farmer, high up in an obscure valley, augmented his elaborate barbed wire fence with this novel post.… Continue reading

Mind Your Language!

It has almost been a year since we returned to the States. The novelty of being home, yet observing American life through an outsider’s eyes has almost worn off. So as if waking… Continue reading

Nicosia Airport—A Moment Frozen In Time

Nicosia International airport stands abandoned, frozen in time in no man’s land. The time is August 17, 1974 and the land is the UN buffer zone in Cyprus. Created after Turkey (in response to… Continue reading